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First Announcement
The International Workshop


Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia, September 10 - 15, 2002

Organized jointly by the IUGG Tsunami Commission (IUGG/TC) and the International Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific (UNESCO/IOC/ICG/ITSU)

Local Organizers

Destructive effects of many tsunamis are confined to areas within about one hour of the initial propagation time (that is, within a few hundred km of their source). These tsunamis are classified as local, as opposed to regional and Pacific-wide tsunamis whose destructive effects can be well outside (up to 10 thousand km) their area of origin. In all main Pacific tsunamigenic regions, the majority of tsunami-related casualties and property damage come from local tsunamis. Very short travel time increases the local tsunami hazard. It is therefore an important challenge for the research community and decision makers to identify ways for reducing losses of lives and property damage from the local tsunamis. Two international tsunami workshops have recently been held in Russia ("Tsunami Mitigation and Risk Assessment," Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy,1996, and "Tsunami Risk Assessment Beyond 2000: Theory, Practice and Plans," Moscow, 2000). Success of these two meetings as well as recommendations of the XVIII Session of UNESCO/IOC/ICG/ITSU inspire us to convene another international tsunami workshop in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. Being one of the most active seismic and tsunami-prone areas in the Pacific, and having long tsunami records and interesting environmental features, Kamchatka is an appropriate place for members of the international tsunami community to come and discuss the problems of local tsunamis.

Workshop purpose
To consider state-of-the-art of the local tsunami problem and to discuss fundamental and applied studies directed toward reduction of local tsunami hazard. The final product of the workshop will be recommendations on local tsunami warning and mitigation.

The scope of the workshop will cover the following basic items:

  1. Historical Catalogues and Databases
  2. Seismo-tectonics of Tsunami
  3. Numerical and Analytical Models of Local Tsunami Behavior
  4. Combination of Local Tsunamis with other Dangerous Oceanic Phenomena
  5. Mitigation and Counter-measures
  6. Risk Assessment
  7. Recent Local Tsunamis
  8. Tsunami Geology and Paleotsunamis
  9. Tsunami Measurement and Data Analysis
  10. Landslides and Other Sources
  11. 1952 Kamchatka Tsunami

Student session
In order to facilitate participation in the workshop of young scientists (up to age 30) a separate session will be arranged. Young scientists are invited to make their oral presentations concerning all aspects of the tsunami problem.

International Programme Committee

 Sergey Lappo (Russia) - chairman of the International Programme Committee
 Joanne (Jody) Bourgeois (U.S.A.) - vice-chairman of the International Programme Committee
 Mikhail Mashkovstsev (Russia) - governor of Kamchatka
 Fumihiko Imamura (Japan)
 Gerassimos Papadopoulos (Greece)
 Costas Synolakis (U.S.A.)
 Kenji Satake (Japan)
 Francois Schindele (France)
 Sergey Fedotov (Russia)
 Evgeny Gordeev (Russia)
 Viacheslav Gusiakov (Russia)
 Boris Ivanov (Russia)
 Boris Levin (Russia)
 Efim Pelinovsky (Russia)
 Yuri Shokin (Russia)
 Oleg Starovoit (Russia)
 Iouri Oliounine (IOC/UNESCO)

Local Organising Committee

 Evgeny Gordeev - chair of the Local Organising Committee
 Mikhail Nosov - vice-chair of the Local Organising Committee
 Leonid Chubarov
 Tatiana Pinegina
 Vadim Saltykov
 Elena Sasorova
 Olga Yakovenko
 Aziz Aliskerov

Workshop Co-conveners

 Dr. Joanne (Jody) Bourgeois (U.S.A.)
Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, Box 351310, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1310, U.S.A.
Tel: 1(206) 685-2443
Fax: 1(206) 543-0489

 Dr. Mikhail Nosov (Russia)
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Vorobjovy Gory, Moscow, 119899, Russia
Tel: 7(095) 939-3698
Fax: 7(095) 124-8713

Registration Fee (to be paid on site)

The official languages of the Conference are English and Russian.

Participants who wish to give a presentation are required to complete an pre-registration form and submit an abstract. We invite pre-registration and abstract submission on the internet. The pre-registration and abstract submission forms are now available for electronic submission.

The final deadline for pre-registration and abstract submission is 30 Apr 2002.

All information.

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Workshop Co-conveners:

Dr. Joanne (Jody) Bourgeois (U.S.A.)
Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, Box 351310, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1310, U.S.A.
Tel: 1(206) 685-2443  Fax: 1(206) 543-0489

Dr. Mikhail Nosov (Russia)
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Vorobjovy Gory, Moscow, 119899, Russia
Tel: 7(095) 939-3698  Fax: 7(095) 124-8713
Design & programming: Sergey Kolesov ©2002.